Journal of Frontier Studies

Current Issue

Vol 10 No 1 (2025)
Published February 12, 2025
Journal of Frontier Studies

This issue of the Journal of Frontier Studies (Vol. 10, No. 1, 2025) explores a broad range of topics related to frontier theory and its historical manifestations. The first section delves into fundamental questions of frontier studies, including how French colonizers perceived their British and German counterparts, the evolution of the South Russian frontier from the 17th to the mid-19th century, and Russian scholars’ interpretations of colonization in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The second section focuses on more specific frontier-related issues. Key topics include economic management in Cossack settlements during the 19th century, an analysis of The Diary of Anne Frank as an exploration of boundaries and resilience, youth perceptions of gender roles in Belarus, Bulgaria, and Russia, interactions between the Astrakhan Tatars and Central Asian peoples in the 16th–18th centuries, settlement processes on the northeastern Black Sea coast in the context of Frederick Turner’s frontier concept, and the administrative structure of Narva and its role in trade dynamics in the Russo-Livonian borderlands of the 15th–16th centuries.

This issue is intended for scholars specializing in frontier theory, historians, anthropologists, and those interested in intercultural interactions, colonization, and borderland studies. It is particularly relevant for researchers working at the intersection of history, cultural studies, and political anthropology.

Specific Issues of the Frontier

Petr A. Kolpakov, Ivan Yu. Yurchenko (Author)
Economic Management within the Cossack Frontier in the Second Half of the 19th Century (Based on the Example of the Don and Azov Cossack Troops)
pdf (Русский)
Bhuvaneswari Gopalakrishnan, B R Aravind (Author)
Traversing Frontiers: An Exploration of Boundaries and Resilience in Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl
Olga V. Semenova, Valentina N. Burkova, Marina L. Butovskaya, Alexey M. Ermakov, Elena N. Kasparova, Olga V. Kalinichenko, Stanislava Stoyanova (Author)
Male and Female Roles in the Perception of Young People Among Belarusians, Bulgarians, and Russians
pdf (Русский)
Ilya V. Toropitsyn (Author)
Astrakhan Yurt Tatars and the Peoples of Central Asia in the 16th – 18th Centuries
pdf (Русский)
Sergey N. Shapovalov (Author)
Settlement Process on The Black Sea Northeastern Coast in the Context of Frederick Turner’s Frontier Concept (1830‑1850s)
pdf (Русский)
Valentina A. Yakunina (Author)
The Administrative Structure of Narva and Its Role in Promoting of “Unusual Trade” in Livonian-Russian Borderlands During the 15th and Early 16th Centuries
pdf (Русский)
Maksym W. Kyrchanoff (Author)
The Concept of Medieval Stasis: From Medieval Studies to Medievalism, from Medievalism to Political Culture
pdf (Русский)
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Journal of Frontier Studies is a periodic academic e-journal without printed forms (since 2016). The journal publishes scholarly articles, reviews, information resources, expeditions’ reports, conferences and other scientific materials.

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The journal was included in the top list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, which should publish the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of science in the following specialties:

  • 5.6.1. Russian history;
  • 5.6.2. General history;
  • 5.6.4. Ethnology, Anthropology, and Ethnography;

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