The subject of this research is the historical features of the formation of the Surinamese Maroons. The arrival of Europeans in the Western Hemisphere contributed to radical socio-demographic changes, including as a result of the massive import of African slaves. Escapes from plantations became one of the common forms of resistance by slaves, during which Maroon communities arose in various regions of America (Brazil, Mexico, Suriname, Jamaica). Surinamese Maroons who managed to adapt to new conditions during the first half of the 18th century turned out to be a serious obstacle to the development of the plantation economy, forcing the slave owners to agree to compromise agreements. The author, based on a wide range of foreign sources and research, carries out a historical and ethnographic review of the origin and active phase of the formation of the ethnosocial group of Surinamese Maroons, seeks to show the features of the socio-cultural environment, as well as the contradictions between Maroons, Indians and Europeans. The territorial and geographical features of Suriname led to a much smaller scale of hostilities by the Maroons compared to the Jamaican Maroons, who were in a limited island space. The study analyzed the distinctive features of the Maroon communities. The confrontation between the Maroons and the colonialists ended at the beginning of the 19th century as a result of the gradual creolization of the African mass of slaves, but its consequences have not been overcome until the present day.
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