Masterpieces of monumental temple painting and the experience of preserving religious art in the soviet period in the Astrakhan region (the question of the authorship of the murals of the Astrakhan Gostinno-Nikolaevskaya church)
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Low Volga frontier, monumental temple painting, Astrakhan Gostinno-Mykolaiv church, museum, stock collection.

How to Cite

1. Власова Н. Masterpieces of monumental temple painting and the experience of preserving religious art in the soviet period in the Astrakhan region (the question of the authorship of the murals of the Astrakhan Gostinno-Nikolaevskaya church) // Journal of Frontier Studies. 2017. № 4. C. 7-13.


The article discusses conservation of religious art by regional museums in the Soviet period, specifically studying the stock collections of the Astrakhan Museum-reserve. The main objective of the study is primarily attribution and search of unique works of religious art, lost in the Soviet period as a result of anti-religious activities. Using the concept of the frontier the author analyses the most productive methods of conservation of religious works of art. The use of micro-historical approach makes it possible to identify regional specifics of the problemn.

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