The study highlights the specifics of the professional activities of caravan masters from the khanates of Central Asia who controlled the movement of caravans in Russian-Asian trade in the first half of the 19th century. The article examines the social status of the caravan masters, defines their authority and main duties during the journey to trading locations, analyzes the features of interpersonal interaction between the leaders and other caravan members, and focuses on the moral and psychological qualities of the caravan leader.
From the moment the caravan set out on a long and dangerous journey through the steppe and desert areas, the caravan master, officially approved by the government of a Central Asian khanate, gained full control over the process of movement. Taking full responsibility for the life and health of the caravan personnel, as well as the safety of the goods, the leader chose the optimal route, determined the locations for stops, controlled the duration of rest, and monitored provisions consumption.
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