The article is devoted to the regional peculiarities of ethnic policy having been analyzed on the example of Transbaikal region of Russian Empire. During the period under investigation it was a kind of national outlying district which lagged behind other Siberian territories in social-economic and cultural development. At the same time it was closely connected with foreign policy ambitions of the Empire which considered it as starting point for strengthening economic and political influence in Inner Asia. Geopolitical potential of the region and its unpreparedness to play the intended role defined ethnic policy mode. Frontier position of the region demanded the necessity of administrative system unification in order to provide unity of its indigenous population (Buryats) with Russian people. Nevertheless, insufficient flexibility in this issue caused protest movement growth and was the reason of region vulnerability against foreign threat. Transbaikalia economic reinforcing acceleration at last defined comparatively mild variant of relations arrangement with none-indigenous ethnic groups in spite of the exiled status and established opinion of their unreliability. Regional administration regarded them as promising colonization element, having high educational potential, as well as business experience in frames of free competition, local population having no such. This policy allowed former exiles to fit regional society organically and display their abilities to the full extent.
The results obtained may be used while researching regions’ independence degree in decision making in ethnic issue and possibility of official course correction due to the status of the region and thus peculiarities of its development.
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