The international marriage as socio-cultural phenomenon is observed in the given article through the problem of cultural security. The question of cultural differences is studied as important attendant factor which influences on communication and understanding in such a family. On the background of interaction between two cultures while every one reveals its originality and specifics, marriage partners begin to adapt to cultural features of each other studying new elements of communication and behaviour. As a result of this complex process partners this or that way come to “cultural equilibrium” in new international cultural environment. This equilibrium, however, is rather fragile as during the process of adaptation to new cultural environment person doesn’t loose customs and norms of behaviour acquired in his or her native culture. This fact lets us suppose that international family is a kind of micro-model of Frontier space, some “near-border zone” between two countries, peoples, cultures and religions. Investigating international family as micro-model of Frontier it is possible to better realize the specifics of cultural processes which differ Frontier space from traditional world picture.
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