Some features of the art of war of the North american prairie indians
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frontier, Indians, the U.S. cavalry, scouts, Little Bighorn, XIX century.

How to Cite

1. Торопицын И. Some features of the art of war of the North american prairie indians // Journal of Frontier Studies. 2016. № 3. C. 117-130.


American Indian wars – an integral part of U.S. history. In the mass consciousness has already formed stereotypes of the confrontation between indigenous residents of the American West lay the flow of settlers and gold diggers and stand up for their protection of the US cavalry. The attack on the Indian vans relocated-ant, clashes with soldiers and hunters are presented in the form of dashing cavalry attacks. Warrior-Indian is often portrayed as a lush headdress, who rushes in and shoots at full gallop at the enemy, uttering the chilling cries. White posse-Lenz, as a rule, heroically defended, and the U.S. army decisively comes to an Indian camp and pursues the fleeing Redskins. Against this background, not all GDSs could see the tactical plan of the Indians, embarked on the "path of war", to understand what methods they used to fight, as with other tribes and with white settlers on their land and the U.S. cavalry. The study of this question allows us to understand better the art of war and the worldview of the Indians of North America, to expand our understanding of the American frontier.

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