Missionary activities of priest Ioann (John) Nigrovsky in the Lower Volga frontier
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Lower Volga frontier, Astrakhan Diocese, Orthodox, missionary, priest, John Nigrovsky.

How to Cite

1. Власова Н. Missionary activities of priest Ioann (John) Nigrovsky in the Lower Volga frontier // Journal of Frontier Studies. 2016. № 4. C. 44-51.


Article is devoted to missionary activities of the Astrakhan diocese in the Lower Volga frontir on the example of antidissenting and protivosektansky work of the Astrakhan priest missionary Ioann Pavlovich Nigrovsky. The main objective of a research seems the author, first of all, in studying and generalization of the historical, sociocultural, ethnocultural and confessional factors which exerted impact on development of missionary activities in the territory of the Astrakhan diocese what follows from that among the main tasks of a research there will be, first of all, an analysis of methods and methods of a missionary initiative of orthodox clergy at the beginning of the XX century, and also in generalization of a personal deposit of the priest Nigrovsky in development of traditions of missionary service on the Lower Volga frontir. With use of the concept фронтир in article the comparative analysis of the most productive methods of activities of orthodox preachers among sectarians and dissenters in the territory of the Astrakhan diocese is carried out. Use of microhistorical approach gives the chance of detection of regional specifics of a question. In addition the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity and systemacity formed a methodological basis of a research that causes studying of various phenomena and historical processes in interrelation of their development.

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