The article deals with the comparatively uninvestigated issue of education and edification policy concerning adult population in the Far-Eastern Republic which included the Amur, Trans-Baikal, Kamchatka, Primorsky and Sakhalin territories, as well as the Chinese Eastern Railroad (CER) right-of-way from 1920 till 1922. Taking into consideration the fact that the Far-Eastern Republic was established on the initiative of the representatives of the RCP (b) and RFSSR, certain directions of inner politics of the two states had similar features. But the objective peculiarities of the Far-Eastern Republic as an independent state determined the specifics of its practical implementation. The analysis of the records, both published and unpublished, achieved from historical sources of the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far-East, of the Russian State Historical Archive of Khabarovsk, and of the Russian State Historical Archive of Trans-Baikal Territory, allowed to find out that all the measures taken for the liquidation of illiteracy of adult population in the Far-Eastern Republic were arranged by the Government and authorities, but they were not wholly implemented because of some economic and organizational character. The comparative analysis of policy implemented in the Soviet Russia and the Far-Eastern Republic was made, the common features and differences were found.
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