The state policy in the Soviet Union regarding the formation of historical memory and commemorative practices is currently one of the most popular research areas for Russian scholars in the development of cultural and anthropological knowledge. In this context, the present study is of significant interest. Its purpose is to provide an analytical survey of the preparation and implementation of official jubilee events in 1929, which were organized on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Soviet power restoration in Siberia, based on unpublished materials from Soviet power bodies' paperwork and regional periodicals, using the Omsk district as an example. This study is presented for the first time in scientific circles. The theoretical basis of the research was the anthropological approach, the principle of systematicity, and the problem-chronological method. This methodological framework made it possible to analyze these regional celebrations as a reflection of state policy and the new common culture that was actively forming in the early Soviet society. In conclusion, the study emphasizes that the 1920s were a time for creating a pantheon of Heroes of the Revolution, establishing places of historical memory, and accumulating experience in organizing new public holidays closely related to the strengthening of communist ideology. This study is aimed at a broad audience of specialists interested in Soviet culture, society, the history of official holidays and commemorations in the USSR, and Soviet everyday life.
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