This article focuses on comparative analysis of the linguistic patterns of the Tatar migrants of China and the Tatars of the Astrakhan frontier. In the introduction the author reviewed the main studies on the problem of the Tatar migration of the XX century, and made the assumption that in the border territories of these ethnic groups the development of language takes place according to special laws in connection with the nature of the spaces (Astrakhan and China frontiers). Thus, the subject of study was transferred into the field of cultural tendencies.
In the main part of the article the author discussed lexical items, grammatical forms, word formation and phonetic peculiarities of the language of the Tatar migrants of China and the Astrakhan Tatars. In the course of the study, the author supplies a comparative table for each category set and identifies the main factors that influenced the formation of the linguistic characteristics of these sub-ethnic groups with regard to the literary Tatar language. Among them, the author mentions a peripheral factor in the existence of ethnic and the influence of Islam in formation the Tartar ethnic communities in the new territories. The author considers that the influence of neighboring Turkic ethnic groups is very small, but the final answer could be received by obtaining the overall picture of the development of closely related Turkic languages.
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