The study is devoted to the analysis of the correlation of the confessional element with the ethnic element within the construction of "ethnoconfession" for the Catholic Germans of Siberia. The relevance of the study of the topic is dictated by the modern processes of ethnic and confessional identification/self-identification that have replaced globalization. Notably, due to the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional nature of the Siberian population, a peculiar and unique concept of the frontier has developed, determined by historians as the “Siberian frontier”. The temporal boundaries of the study include the twentieth century: from the moment of mass migrations from the Crimea, the Volga region and Ukraine to the Trans-Urals in the context of the Stolypin agrarian reform to the beginning of the active return movement of Russian Germans to Germany. The methodological basis of the study was the work of both ethnographers and sociologists. The content analysis method revealed the peculiarities of the mentality of representatives of various confessional groups within the German ethnic group. The research is based on the materials of the Russian State Historical Archive. The conclusions about the importance of confessional self-awareness are important for the self-identification and successful socialization of Russian Germans. The article is intended for specialists in the field of history and ethnography of Russian Germans, as well as for researchers interested in the features of frontier communications in Siberia.
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