The article is devoted to the particularities of latinization policy of the written Komi Permyaks’ language in the 1930s. As some national and foreign researchers think, the processes of Latinization were most challenging for finno-ugric peoples of the USSR; for this reason, the reforms of the written Komi Permyaks’ language reflect complex processes of policy both within the language sphere and wider – in the national policy of the USSR.
Based on available sources, many of which have been introduced into scientific use for the first time, the article analyzes the development of native written language of Komi Permyaks in the 1920-30s, the policy of the Komi district committee on implementation of Latin graphs, and estimates the factors that influenced the failure to adopt the Latin alphabet of the Komi-permyak language in paperwork and education system. The author concludes that, for wider popularity of the Latin alphabet for the Komi-permyak language, there were not sufficient conditions (financial, administrative ones, etc.), so the majority of officials and intelligentsia used Russian to communicate. However, further policy of its implementation could have inspired the usage of this alphabet since later a new Komi alphabet based on Cyrillic symbols was actually adopted.
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