The object of the study was the daily gastronomic practices of the individual and the phenomenon of food, in the analysis of which elements of frontier character were found. Consuming food as an indispensable physiological need and taking care of oneself in the being of personality is associated with the constant development of the undeveloped, bringing the Other into its space. In this case, the person, through daily eating, the transition from hunger to saturation through food, constantly opens up the horizons of the new, thereby expanding his spaces and capturing the Other, becoming his own, appropriated. This circumstance is facilitated by the repeated unrepeatability / unrepeatable repeatability of any dish, the taste of which turns out to be different each time, the sense of novelty of gastronomic experience stimulated by the consumer society and the desire to taste, the status pathos of gastronomic practices and the development of gastronomic tourism. Moreover, the desire to taste dishes is connected with the mystical component of the cuisine: despite the fixed prescription, however, never the same dish has a repeating taste. As a result of the above, the gastronomic experience of a person is an infinitely expanding space that shapes the taste and gives birth to the desire to eat, and therefore - to capture and bring new things into your world, constantly comprehending it.
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