The formation of the knowledge economy in Estonia has led to the complexity of the structure of society. The western-European middle class formed in the early noughties is divided into several layers: high-paid creative workers, low-paid and low-skilled workers like the French “yellow vests” and the precariat in poverty. Accordingly, the structure of society is changing, causing a new zoning of the urban environment. In the traditional administrative and cultural centers of cities, residential areas are replaced by hotels, and public spaces are focused on meeting the needs of mass tourism. There are new areas with housing and public spaces that meet the needs of the creative layer of society. Established residential areas (urban bedrooms) become living areas for the low-income part of the urban population and the precariat. Soviet suburban areas (“dachas”) that provide a specific “two-house” lifestyle of the Soviet middle class are turning into low-rise housing for the most affluent part of society, which receives financial and rental income. The new cultural zoning of the urban environment contributes to the creation of growth points for creative “fun architecture”, pushing the “realm of architectural boredom” to the periphery of cities.
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