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How to Cite

1. коллегия Р. Congratulations! // Journal of Frontier Studies. 2018. № 3. C. 97.


The Editorial Board of the Journal of Frontier Studeis congratulates our colleague and great friend of the journal, Professor, the Chair of philosophy and culturology of VSPU doctor Scheglova Lyudmila Vladimirovna with happy belated anniversary.

Lyudmila Vladimirovna is an amazing combination of the best qualities of a University professor: erudition, high professionalism and breadth of mind, ability to communicate and charm. Communication with her always carries the positive atmosphere, which is so appreciated in contacts with a Person of High Culture.

The editors of our Journal wish her good health, best and devoted students and harmony of internal and external.

Sincerely, the editorial board of

   the Journal of Frontier Studies

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