Marginal and Boundary Social Groups of Medieval Spain


The article focuses on the problem of the lack of a clear typology of medieval groups located in the zone of cultural exclusion. This is caused by the following situation: the sources at hand produce negative information of repressive (normative sources), judgmental (narrative sources), and fear-based character (folklore sources). The representatives of these groups did not leave a memory of themselves, since most of them did not have a written culture. They would not tell, and would not be listened to.

A model of social structure is constructed using the case of medieval Spain, making distinction between the core of public culture and periphery serving as a reservoir for the groups defined as marginal and boundary. The latter are displaced from the core onto the fringes of society, and their legal status wants to be clarified. The study is interdisciplinary. It makes use of the information and sources from different areas of social and humanitarian knowledge; anthropological and systemic approaches can be considered the conceptual framework of the research.

The article deals with the relationship of geographical and cultural space, and a zone of their possible convergence. The research reveals that there hardly exists a rigid connection of marginal and borderline culture with a certain place. They are often not localized and do not exist compactly.
The study is aimed at creating a holistic view of the legal status of social groups moved to periphery of the official legal culture. The article reveals the bases for their subsequent typology and detailed study. We list some groups and attribute them to marginal or boundary structures, showing the legal status of individual groups.
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