Behavioral Models of Population Inhabiting the Fortresses in the South of Russia in the 17th century (as Documented in Voronezhsky, Kozlovsky and Tambovsky counties)
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frontier fortress governors service people townspeople behavioral models everyday life colonization South of Russia Belgorod table community Central Black Earth Region

How to Cite

1. Lyapin D., Mizis Y. Behavioral Models of Population Inhabiting the Fortresses in the South of Russia in the 17th century (as Documented in Voronezhsky, Kozlovsky and Tambovsky counties) // Journal of Frontier Studies. 2021. № 3 (6). C. 10-28.


The article discusses the process of formation of the main behavioral patterns of the population of the southern counties during the period of the settlement in and development of the South of Russia in the 17th century. The authors analyze the behavior of migrants to the steppe periphery of the country, on the basis of large archival source. An important place in the development of steppe territories was occupied by fortresses, which were military, political and religious centers for the counties. The strong influence of collectivist principles is noted in the article. Particular attention is paid to studying the dynamics of changes in the social environment in the South of Russia, the formation of property stratification, the emergence of individualism. It is argued in the paper that social changes were associated with shifts in the behavioral models of the inhabitants of the fortresses: if at the early stage of its existence the population of the towns consisted of a single mass of the servicemen, then the second half of the 17th century is characterized by a gradual destruction of social cohesion. The behavioral models of servants and townspeople were determined by the desire for personal gain, material wealth, and individual benefits. This was due to the increase in the number and importance of townspeople, whose lives were a constant competition. Discovered shifts of behavioral patterns are indicative of important changes in society.
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