The relevance of the research problem is determined by the ever-increasing interest in the architectural traditions of ethnic and sub-ethnic groups in various regions of Russia, including the Cossacks. The aim of the work is to identify the patterns and features of how the architecture of Cossack Orthodox churches, mosques and Lamaist churches was formed in the Southern Urals. The methodology of the study is based on a comprehensive architectural historical analysis of the construction and design of these structures in the Cossack settlements of the region. The author analyzes a wide range of issues related to the planning, composition and artistic design of Orthodox churches, mosques and Lamaist churches in Cossack settlements of the 18th and early 20th centuries. The article reveals and analyzes an interesting layer of cultural heritage of the region. The work includes the description and analysis of little-known architectural monuments based on the author's field studies of the surviving settlements. The article is written on the basis of an examination of archival data from local and central archives. On the basis of these materials and eyewitnesses' memoirs, the characteristics of the Orthodox, Muslim and Lamaist cult architecture of the region were analyzed. The conclusions of the work will be useful to architects and restorers to work on the modern reconstruction of Cossack settlements.
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