Problems of forming inclusive culture in the conditions of the city (on the example of Astrakhan)
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inclusion, elderly, migrants, disability

How to Cite

1. Григорьева С. Problems of forming inclusive culture in the conditions of the city (on the example of Astrakhan) // Journal of Frontier Studies. 2018. № 3. C. 29-40.


The article is devoted to the topical issue of building a new social policy based on the principles of inclusive culture. Social inclusion, as opposed to inequality, violence, as a guarantor of the rights of an individual or a social group to participate in society, involves the integration of various categories of the population: orphans, persons with disabilities, the elderly, ethnic, religious and other minorities. An inclusive culture today is not only a necessity, but also a real action to overcome inequalities, geographical and economic differences, various discrimination on the grounds of gender, age, health. The basis of an inclusive culture is the conviction of a non-discriminatory approach, the ability to recognize inequality at the individual and institutional level.
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