In the article it is attempted to analyze a conflict potential of the cultural memory of migrants and the host society on the territory of Lipetsk region, with the intensification of migration flows and the appearance of local frontier areas. The analysis is based on the social study that was conducted among migrants and native population of Lipetsk region during 2017-2018. The interactions between the cultural memory of migrants and the host society are considered with the using of the theoretical concepts “cultural diffusion” (sharing several aspects – cognitive, linguistic, value and behavioral) and “mnemonic adaptation” that have been validated in the project “Cultural memory of Russia in the situation of global migration challenges: representations conflicts, oblivion risks, transformational strategies”.
In this study the contradictory trends in Lipetsk region’s migration situation have been observed. Nevertheless, nowadays and in the long term cultural memory has got a conflict potential. In a cognitive aspect high enough level of ethnocentricity has been exposed that is a significant impediment for mnemonic adaptation. But in linguistic, value and behavioral aspects a high degree of readiness to cultural diffusion has been exposed. In general the representatives of migrants show more openness for a new cultural experience than native Lipetsk people.
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