The theoretical problem that is raised in this article is related to the need to clarify, first, the mechanisms of changing images of social memory, and secondly, the influence of social memory on the ways and methods of integration of migrants. The purpose of the article: to highlight the results of the study of integration models of participants in the resettlement Program of compatriots living in the Tambov region for 4-5 years, to study the impact of social memory on the identified models. The methodological Foundation was the ideas of K. Wulf, T. Schatzki, D. Olik, M. de Certeau, and others. 18 in-depth interviews with migrants from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine, 28 pages of respondents in social networks, and the results of an Association experiment using visual intermediaries were processed. The analysis of sources showed that migrants are characterized by a conscious cultivation of a " new " identity and a desire for assimilation, but it is impossible to talk about full integration, since images of social memory, despite their dynamism, are quite stable and lead to the actualization of previous practices and models of actions. Additional difficulties are associated with the integration of migrants who moved in their Teens. The interaction of the social memory of migrants and the host community is associated with certain identity risks not only for migrants, but also for the host country
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