This issue of the “Journal of Frontier Studies” we dedicate to the brilliant Australian scientist Deborah Bird Rose, who unexpectedly passed away in December last year. Born in the United States, she nevertheless connected her life with Australia. Having begun to study the cultures of the indigenous people of this continent, she did a lot for the aborigines, helping them to defend their rights to land. Acquaintance with Aboriginal culture has had a huge impact on her worldview. She was introduced to completely different principles of perception of the world around her, in which a person is not declared a “King of Nature”, but is perceived as an integral element of the universe, closely related to other Beings on the Earth. This vision has led her to a new ecological paradigm that closely blended Western philosophy with the traditional worldview of the indigenous people of the continent. It is this that has determined its desire to protect not only the rights of the aborigines, but also a variety of local fauna, whose existence was threatened by the modern system of exploitation of the resources of the continent.
But there is nothing surprising in this “turnaround” of her scientific career, as the environmental shift in frontier studies has become the most popular one in the modern world. In this Preface, the Editor shows how Western Humanities has long been looking for new directions in the study of man in inseparable connection with the environment. The Preface also provides a brief analysis of the most significant representatives of such a relative new direction of historical science as “environmental history”.
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Davis, R. (2005). Introduction: transforming the frontier in contemporary Australia. In D. B. Rose, & R. Davis (Eds.), Dislocating the frontier : essaying the mystique of the outback (pp. 7-22). Canberra: ANU Press.
Furniss, E. (2005). Imagining the frontier: comparative perspectives from Canada and Australia. In D. B. Rose, & R. Davis (Eds.), Dislocating the frontier : essaying the mystique of the outback (pp. 23-46). Canberra: ANU Press.
Headley, J. T. (1849). The Adirondack; or, Life in the woods. New York: Baker and Scribner.
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Nash, R. (1976). The Value of Wilderness. Environmental Review: ER, 1(3), 12-25.
Nash, R. (1967). Wilderness and the American Mind. New Haven, London: Yale University Press.
Reynolds, H. (1982). The other side of the frontier: aboriginal resistance to the European invasion of Australia. Townsville, Qld.: James Cook University of North Queensland.
Reynolds, H. (1987). Frontier: Aborigines, settlers, and land. Allen & Unwin.
Reynolds, H. (1990). With the white people. N.Y.: Penguin Books.
Rose, D. B. (1984). The Saga of Captain Cook: Morality in Aboriginal and European Law. Australian Aboriginal Studies(2), 24-39.
Rose, D. B. (1985). Aboriginal Identity vs Christian Identity. Australian Aboriginal Studies(2), 58-61.
Rose, D. B. (1986). Passive violence. Australian Aboriginal Studies(1), 24-30.
Rose, D. B. (1988). Exploring an Aboriginal Land Ethic. Meanjin, 47(3), 378-387.
Rose, D. B. (1989). Remembrance. Aboriginal History(2), 135-148.
Rose, D. B. (1996). Land rights and deep colonising: the erasure of women. Aboriginal Law Bulletin, 3, 6-13.
Rose, D. B. (1998). Signs of life on a barbarous frontier: Intercultural encounters in North Australia. Humanities Research(2), 17-36.
Rose, D. B. (2002). Dialogue with Place: Toward an Ecological Body. Journal of Narrative Theory, 32(3, Benjamin & Bakhtin: New Approaches-New Contexts), 311-325.
Rose, D. B. (2005). An Indigenous Philosophical Ecology: Situating the Human. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 16(3), 294-305.
Rose, D. B. (2006). Indigenous Water Philosophy in an Uncertain Land. In L. Botterill, & D. Wilhite (Eds.), From Disaster Response to Risk Management: Australia's National Drought Policy (pp. 37-50). The Netherlands: Springer Science & Business Media.
Rose, D. B. (2011A). Flying Fox: Kin, Keystone, Kontaminant. Australian Humanities Review(50. Unloved Others: Death of the Disregarded in the Time of Extinctions), 119-136.
Rose, D. B. (2011B). Wild Dog Dreaming: Love and Extinction. Charlottesville; London: University of Virginia Press.
Rose, D. B. (2017). Monk Seals at the Edge: Blessings in a Time of Peril. In D. B. Rose, T. Dooren, & M. Chrulew (Eds.), Extinction Studies: Stories of Time, Death, and Generations (pp. 117-148). New York: Columbia University Press.
Rose, D. B., & Davis, R. (Ред.). (2005). Dislocating the frontier : essaying the mystique of the outback. Canberra: ANU Press.
Rose, D. B., & Lewis, D. (1988). The Shape of the Dreaming: The Cultural Significance of Victoria River Rock Art. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.
Schlett, J. (2015). A Not Too Greatly Changed Eden: The Story of the Philosophers' Camp in the Adirondacks. New York: Cornell University Press.
Thoreau, H. D. (1854). Walden; or, Life in the Woods. Boston: Ticknor and Fields.
Yakushenkov, S. N. (2018). Semantic diversity of images of the Indian in New England in the XVIII century. Part 2. Journal of Frontier Studies (1), 91-120. (In Russian)
Yakushenkov, S. N., (2019). In Frontier We Trust. Journal of Frontier Studies(3), 12-59. (In Russian)

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