The relevance of the topic is determined by the widespread development of migration processes in the modern conditions of globalization and multiculturalism. One of the relatively unexplored and almost unknown in our country manifestations of these processes is the Javanese community in Suriname, which, on the one hand, is increasingly susceptible to creolization, on the other, is still distinguished by its originality, and supported at the religious level. The paper uses a systematic approach, which is based on the consideration of an object as an integral complex of interrelated elements, as well as the historical and comparative method. The scientific novelty of the article is determined both by the weak study of the topic in domestic science and by the complex review based on various sources and research. The author draws attention to the complexity of the adaptation processes of Javanese people in Suriname, which at a certain stage caused the self-isolation of this community. The situation changed after the Second World War, when, under conditions of increasing political activity of all ethnic groups of the country, the activity of Javanese leaders intensified. In terms of urbanization, young generations of Javanese are increasingly seeking to enter the Creole environment, which increases the possibilities of vertical mobility. At the same time, religious differentiation occurs when a part of Javanese people undergo secularization and Christianization, while the other is included in the process of re-Islamization
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