Cross-cultural study of traditional norms and modern structuring of space in a residential building showed, on the basis of the field material collected in Russia and Tanzania, that changing of the organization of the living space in dwellings that occurs under the influence of globalization and propaganda of the Western lifestyle is influenced by the initial culture, religion, climatic conditions, media and economic situation of the population. Substantial changes in the twentieth century have led to serious transformations in structuring of the inner space of the Russian house. Focus on creating comfort for children and youth, and not for the older generation in the residential space reflects the transition of Russian society from postfigurative culture type to cofigurative culture type. But there had been no such transition in Tanzania, since the vast part of the population still lives in poverty.
In modern Tanzanian urban society compared with Russian the preservation of traditional norms structuring of residential space is much stronger, which is related with the living of Tanzanians in the houses of traditional type and with incomplete process of urbanization.
The gender differences in perception and organization of home space are universal − girls, compared to boys, perceive the ethno-cultural model of space organization of the house much better, and probably they would transmit it to succeeding generations in the future. However, in Tanzanian case, gender differences are much smoother, due to the very low economic status of Tanzanians.
The influence of media on the organization of residential space is much more significant in Russia than in Tanzania.
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