The relevance of the topic is determined by the important discussion on tolerance and multiculturalism, which over the past decades has covered the European countries. The aim of the paper is to analyze the socio-economic and political aspects that led to the formation of multiracial diversity in the small South American country Suriname. The author uses one of the leading historical arsenal in the arsenal of the historical-genetic method, the most important features of which are concreteness and descriptiveness. On the one hand, isolation from habitual habitat led to the loss of conservative tendencies among free and involuntary migrants to Suriname; on the other hand, living in an unfamiliar environment led to certain attempts of isolation, as it happened with forest negroes. The paper draws attention to the fact that the nature of migration to Suriname largely contributed to formation of one or another form of economic activity, as well as the expansion of frontier boundaries. Despite the various economic difficulties that exacerbate ethnic tensions, the nature of the relationship between various social groups in Suriname is characterized by tolerance and interpenetration. And although a small country did not become a melting pot akin to a number of Anglo-Saxon countries, the traditions of tolerance largely originating from colonial times serve as a guarantee of positive prospects.
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